Prairie Ridge really knows how to celebrate culture and diversity. From student panels and interviews to movies and music, Hispanic Heritage month has become a prominent experience and event here at school.
To start off Hispanic Heritage month, our Spanish teachers -Senora Lee and Senorita Groat- made a playlist filled with music representative of Hispanic Culture.
During the minute bell of the passing period, different snippets of songs played throughout the halls.
News team conducted an Instagram survey asking PR students for their favorite Spanish songs. Some included “Danza Kuduro”, “Hips Don’t Lie” and “Tacones Rojos.” This was a simple thing that easily brightened the hallways around school.
Another student favorite during Hispanic Heritage month is the viewing of different movies in the theater during gym, language, and social science classes. This has been a PR tradition for a couple years now and it doesn’t seem to be going anywhere because it is such a hit amongst the student body. This year’s movies included Coco, In the Heights, and Spare Parts. During these cultural months, it’s so important to be able to have an opportunity with time set aside, to watch films encapsulating important cultures.
One of the newer Hispanic Heritage month celebrations, that we hope to keep a tradition at PR, is the interviews conducted by our very own Film Club. In partnership with Spanish Club, Film Club conducted multiple student spotlight interviews with some of our students at PR that come from a background of Hispanic culture. Some students shared their favorite Spanish traditions, foods, holidays and many more.
The students of the panel include: Angeline Aguilar, Clarissa Aguilar, Sherlynn Aguilar, Nathaly Álvarez, Luis Pérez Ángeles, Daniel Cardenas, Victor Cortez, Nicole Mireles, Samantha Niño, Daniel Pérez, Leslie Pérez, Camila Perdomo, Jacqueline Rosales, Imani Trotter, and Bella Wood.
Senior Daniel Pérez believes PR students should be educated on the fun activities of Hispanic culture. “I wish kids at PR knew about our family gatherings, our food, and the things we do together…all the fun things.”
This video was a beautiful and simple way for students of Prairie Ridge to become educated about different cultures directly from their peers.
This isn’t even close to all the events that go on here at Prairie Ridge!

Others include the churro food truck for the cafeteria, the live student panel for SNHS and the hanging of different country flags and papel picado from the ceiling throughout the hallways shine with Hispanic culture.
As a school and a community, we must continue to make efforts to celebrate cultures outside our own, and it all starts in the walls of our very own school.