Grace Koeppen

a senior to know

I think what I’ll miss most are the random hellos in the hallway. I’ve grown up with most of the people here for 12 years. I am going to miss the relationships that I’ve had since I was 5. I am forever grateful for the way they have all shaped me into who I am today!

I am proud of who I became. I started high school insecure and nervous pretty much all the time. I was so worried about what other people thought, that I didn’t put my own needs first. Today I am proud of who I am and confident in being myself.

I hope to be remembered by the way I made someone feel. I believe the least that I can do is make someone smile or feel included and welcomed. I think the world needs more positive people. So next time you are in the hallway or pass by a friend, ask them how their day was and be genuinely interested in what they have to say.