Making the Most of Any Situation

a graduation speech


While this year was not what we expected, it has certainly given us a lot of resilience. Now, I know what you are thinking. There is more to our careers than this year, and you are right, but do not overlook the fact that we have all learned and achieved so much. 

Not only have we survived a whole year of Zoom calls, social distancing, and watching reruns of The Office, but we have also found ways to be more connected with each other. For me, that included spending quality time with my family and gaining a newfound appreciation for the people around me. I have learned to cherish times spent with my friends, staying up until 2 a.m. and laughing ‘til our stomachs hurt. I certainly will not forget about going to the football games, seeing the crowd roar after another victory, and waiting to hear “Closing Time” while I put away my band uniform. These moments will stick with me forever, and I am sure that you all feel the same way about the memories that you have made.

Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light

— Professor Dumbledore

Although our school year has consisted of being in front of a screen most of the time, we have proved that we can make the most of any situation. To quote Dumbledore, a character from the well-known series Harry Potter, “happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” Despite the challenges, we did not let this past year stop us from achieving our goals. Each and every one of you has the potential to be successful and lead a great life. Know that there are many more adventures ahead of you and that if we can survive this year, we can survive anything.

So, class of 2021, let this be a reminder for you. The person you were a year ago is not the same person that you are today. Life changes us and we are constantly growing and learning from our experiences. We have all conquered so much and discovered many valuable lessons that we will take with us.

Know that life can bring us so much, but we can also bring so much to life.