PR Junior Starts Feed My Starving Children Club

Brooklyn Lucia (front row, first from left) started the Feed My Starving Children club this year with Mme. Keaty and Mrs. Jones as sponsors.

Prairie Ridge junior Brooklyn Lucia started a new club this year which allows students to get their service hours and lets them enjoy being with friends when doing something good.

Brooklyn Lucia is very active in and out of school. “I’m involved in a lot of in-school activities such as being the president of FMSC club, being in Color Guard, theater, Link Crew, and other activities. With outside activities, I volunteer for community activities to try to make a difference in my city. I work at Wings Etc. in Crystal Lake, IL, and I’m in a band outside of school with some of my best friends as the drummer. Our band name is Out of State.”

To also learn more about her, I asked what classes she is currently taking.  “As of right now, the classes I take are: Junior English, US History, Photography Imagery II, Advanced Culinary, and Algebra 2 with Trigonometry. Also, I am in the Micro-Internship program with Mr. Karlblom for being a culinary teacher. I think the class I am most interested in is Advanced Culinary because this class challenges me to work on my own and do the best that I can do. Along with this, I also plan to work with culinary outside of high school (when I graduate), and I plan to be a Culinary Arts teacher. I love everything about culinary and cooking/baking, and I’ve always wanted to be a teacher, so it’s the perfect mix for me. One of the main reasons I love culinary is the teacher, Mrs. Jones. She is so supportive of me and my work, and she’s been nothing but kind to me and my classmates. I recommend anyone to take culinary courses because it’s so fun. You can be creative and unique with whatever you make, and you can be you! It’s just like the quote from Ratatouille, “Anyone Can Cook!”

Feed My Starving Children club supports an organization that allows many families or large groups to come together and make boxes filled with vitamins, veggies, soy and rice. Each session has a goal to make a certain amount of boxes to go to the country the organization needs to send them to. 

The news team reached out to Brooklyn to learn about the new club, which was inspired by a field trip. 

“We loved it and wanted to continue this once a month, on a Monday evening of every month.” Brooklyn Stated

Currently, this club only supports Feed My Starving Children, but there are future plans to expand. 

“We plan on doing food drives and raising money for everything. Since this was the first year we did this, we want to stick with one for now till we see how this will grow and what else we need to do for this.”

Students who have attended club events say it was very organized in the first year. This could be a great club for anyone looking to get involved. It opens up many new things, such as volunteer hours, making new friends, and being able to go home knowing you helped feed many kids in need.