The Howl – November 10, 2021
Hello, and welcome to another Howl broadcast, brought to you by Prairie Ridge news team. Today is Wednesday, November 10th, 2021. I’m Dimitri Vuyadinov and I’m Grant Preves. Let’s get riiiiiight into the news!
PR Activities
[Dimitri] PR Math Team is still looking for new members! Meetings are every Wednesday from 3-4 in N106! See Mrs. Boddy with questions.
[Grant] Last week at night, Mrs. Stantesly led the Astronomy Club during a stargazing session by the tennis courts. The group used telescopes to spot celestial objects in our solar system. Thanks to some fancy equipment, they were able to take beautiful pictures, including an image of Jupiter and four of its moons! If you are interested in joining, please reach out to [email protected].
[Dimitri] PR German took its first trip back to Chicago on Sunday Nov. 7th to see Mozart’s Magic Flute performed in the original German. Many PR students attended as first time Opera-goers and left in awe of the powerful voices, beautiful stagecraft, and timeless orchestrations. All PR students are welcome to take part in German Club events. Simply stop by S301B to see what they have planned next.
PR Athletics
[Dimitri] On Saturday, November 6th, our girl’s cross country team placed 10th in state, marking the 3rd consecutive competitive season they have qualified. Many of the runners achieved new personal best times. All-State runner Rachel Soukap placed 7th overall in the girl’s meet, while Will Gelon, another allstate runner, placed 23rd in the boy’s meet. The team is satisfied with an excellent end to their season.
[Grant] Last Friday, the football team earned another playoff victory, swiftly beating a once undefeated Wauconda 49-20. PR got an early start, scoring during the first drive on 7 plays. After one half, the Wolves had already run for 343 yards over 31 carries. Both Tyler Vasey and Zach Bentsen rushed for triple digit yards before halftime, with 108 and 104 yards respectively. PR employed subs in the second half, as their drastic lead put a running clock into play. Out of many offensive highlights during the game, a 54-yard touchdown pass from QB Mason Loucks to Noah Solis proved most exciting, reminding Wauconda that PR can both do more than just rush the football. Once again, the Wolves showed how many weapons they have on offense – especially speed…
According to Coach Pecoraro, Solis ran a 4.6 second 40 yard dash during gym class (unofficial), or over 20 mph.
[Dimitri] PR will now advance to the quarterfinals of the 6A bracket, facing 6th seeded Lake Forest on Saturday. Depending on the results of another quarter final game, PR will either play CLC or Cary Grove in the semi-finals WHEN they beat Lake Forest.
Friday’s theme is WHITE out. Our Superfans leaders encourage everyone to join the fun at Lake Forest at 1pm on Saturday to cheer on our Wolves to another playoff victory!
[Banter between Dimitri and Grant about 40 yard dash times]
News Team Update
[Dimitri] Thank you, Mr. Statsny and College & Career Writing seniors for submitting stories about student life during the pandemic for our news site, Caera Pellikan and Abby Dittmer’s narratives are available now. Look for “Everything Had Changed” and “Confined” in our Features section.
If you’re a Marvel fan, you’ll want to read Elena Akerberg’s Everything You Need to Know about Marvel’s Phase 4 in the Entertainment section.
[Grant] Subscribe to Wolf Prints wherever you listen to podcasts. PR news team shows include Etc, Between The Lines, and Financial Festivities, available on Spotify and the PR Wolf Prints Youtube channel. Be on the lookout for upcoming episodes featuring freshman baseball coach Eric Jakubosky and student athlete Braden Thelander.
Want to start your own podcast? Come up with an original idea and outline to share with Mrs. Bland in the library.
That wraps up our local PR coverage today. Thank you, teachers, for showing our video in your class. And now, let’s get into some news beyond Prairie Ridge.
State News
[Dimitri] Illinois Governor J.B Pritzker signed into law this past Monday an update to the previous “Health Care Right of Conscience Act” put into law in the 1970’s to protect individuals from receiving specific health care services contrary to their personal beliefs. SB 1169 prevents individuals from refusing to get vaccinated per the new executive order. In a statement Monday, Pritzker said *quote* “ Masks, vaccines, and testing requirements are life-saving measures that keep our workplaces and communities safe… Keeping workplaces safe is a high priority, and I applaud the General Assembly for ensuring that the Health Care Right of Conscience Act is no longer wrongly used against institutions who are putting safety and science first.”
International News
[Grant] Poland has fortified its Belarusian border with troops this week after mass immigration attempts have been made by as many as 4,000 migrants–mainly refugees from Iraq and Syria– trying to get into EU soil. The EU has accused Belarus of an organized campaign of sending their refugees to Poland on tourist visas in order to travel along the border to the northern countries of Lithuania and Latvia. They claim the reason for this is to sow instability in EU backed Poland for the EU’s sanctions on the authoritarian regime under Belarusian Alexander Lukashenko. Tensions are certainly high in the region, and we here at news team hope the refugees and those living in these trying times are enduring and being safe…
We here at news team hope you stay happy and healthy. As always, thanks for watching.

Grant Preves is a senior and is on news team for his third year. He has enjoyed co-hosting The Howl and having political debates with fellow news team...

Dimitri is a vivacious student at Prairie Ridge High School. This is his third year on news team. He enjoys contributing to the objectivity of news team.

Limb'rin is the editor and cinematographer for primarily The Howl but also works with many others on the team to create the best possible multimedia content...