Mac Nietzel
a class of 2021 senior to know
Mac Nietzel was nominated by faculty as a senior to know.
I will miss the social aspect of high school, having the opportunities to participate with peers that I have grown up with.
I am very proud of my academic and athletic progress throughout my time at PR. I managed to become a 12x record holder and gold medalist (4 gold records and medals each year for 3 years) at high school state, which I wouldn’t have been able to do without the support from PR and the help I’ve received from the staff and the athletic director.
I want to be remembered by my peers as an inspiration, especially to those with visual impairments like myself.
I am very excited to double major in Psychology and Meteorology at Purdue University next year. I can’t wait to meet new people and make new friends.
This past year was most important for me to grow and develop as an individual. Since I came out as a transgender boy, I have learned to be myself no matter what others tell me to be. I have learned to trust myself and my instincts.