Seniors’ Suggestions
Students loved the comfort dogs who visited PR several times this year.
Everyone loves the dogs and they’re not here as often, but having them around more would awesome! – Alli Clark
Add more bottle filling stations and recycle! – Audrey Peterson
Look up from phones in the hallway and say hi to friends and teachers! – Baylee Todd
Come up with some fresh and new WODs for gym – Becca Beecroft
Escalators because walking from the first floor the third after after leg day in weights burns – Ben Schultz
Teach teachers to not stereotype there students or compare students to others because everyone is different and unique in their own ways – Benjamin M. Walneck
Allow students to be able to sign out of 9th commons and return home with a weekly check in with your dean or counselor to ensure eligibility for this privilege – Bill Rittenhouse
Make it so the school wouldn’t push AP classes so heavily on everyone. This makes it so the students at the lower end struggle through the courses and students at the higher end aren’t challenged enough. – BJ Llaneta
Give some attention and money to more sports rather than just football. – Cam Smith
Get more fans on the golf course – Cameron Karney
Please educate students on college and real life better. – Christian Burgos
Creating a LARPing club – Cory Zordan
4th floor pool. – Daniel Lamar
Get a swimming pool – Dean Reid
Let students come in late 1st period without signing in at front – Dominic Rubino
Encourage more job experience in high school instead of AP – Elly Flemming
Turn the WiFi back on for phones – Emilee Covers
PROM IN THE CITY!! – Emily Jepsen
Get rid of WOD days in gym – Emily Keck
Put a Starbucks in the foyer – Emily Nikolich
Say seniors can leave during free periods. – Emily Perhats
Lunch release for any free period – Emma Jewell
Install a ball pit – Emma Laurx
I would recommend bringing in the Service Dogs more often so we can pet the dogs all day long. – Erik Truitt
Encourage the administration to support more than the football team. – Halle Baldwin
I would remove gym class – Hayden Bellson
I wouldn’t change anything I love PR – Hayley Smith
Make the start time later and have the option to have multiple gym classes – Jack Coens
Replace freshman and junior seminar with a comprehensive college-preparation course, reduce focus on test prep. – Jack Lotito
Bring back the d— guest wifi seriously what the heck – Jack Rudolf
Make teachers require less homework. – Jacob Ommen
Say the prices in the lunchroom can be a little extreme on certain items, so if possible to lower those – James Michaelson
Choice for weights on Fridays – Jason Giffels
Change all the diet soda into real soda. – Jawan Davis
Find ways to engage the students better as a whole. – Jenna Hussar
Ask PR to be less strict – Jessie Ahrens
Unity as a school should be more promoted. – Joe Perhats
A Pool on the fourth floor – John Pergler
Give more recognition to EVERY sport making each athlete feel important for their passion – Johnny Lenzi
Give my man Diego a Raise! – Joseph Hansen
I would make sure the encouraging sticky notes were on every student’s locker every Monday morning. – Justine Golata
Make it easier to have late arrival/early release. – Katarina Schaffer
Encourage people to befriend all types of people. Every social group can change a person so much, and you’ll become such a well rounded person because of it. – Katie Frey
I would say make student services more accommodating to students who in the moment really need to talk to someone instead of turning them away. – Katie Hemstreet
Make the start time later – Katie Schaschwary
Ask the students for their opinions more often. We have really great ideas that could help make our school safer and a happier place, but no one ever takes our ideas into consideration. – Katie Svehla
Hype up many sports instead of just football – Kendall Greenberg
Give students more freedoms like allowing lunch release for all free periods – Kevin Gilbert
Suggest that there be more tutoring for options for other classes (i.e. Physics, Chem, etc.) – Kyle Hamilton
Be there for their students more – Kyle Krcmar
Remove Junior Seminar. – Kylie Costello
Continue doing the Senior project of 12 hour musical. It was a blast and we raised so much money for the Mason family. – Lillian Voce
Have free wifi for phones – Lina Ramann
Put those nice water fountain dispensers on both sides of the school – Mackenzie Garis
Allow kids to leave if the have free periods during lunch hours – Maddie King
Get rid of WODs :)) – Maddie Wittwer
Play music on the intercom before school. – Madison Hawrysz
Invest in 2 ply toilet paper – Matthew King
Have kids stop vaping in the bathroom – Matthew Tremblay
Hype up other sports as much as we hype up football – May LaRue
Try to make more time to improve the mental health of students. Sometimes we just need a break and it can be hard to find time during the school week to focus on ourselves without falling behind in all of our classes. – Megan Anderson
Bring back the double Lunch – Michael Pilafas
Allow upperclassmen to be off campus during their free periods, especially at the beginning and end of the day – Mitch Mueller
Fix the parking lot – Nick Marconi
Don’t change a thing – Nick Sargeant
No more wods. Choice all the time – Nicola Falco
Encourage the support of other activities besides athletics. PR has done a good job to highlight the humanities but I think we should encourage the participation and achievements of all activities. – Nina Raemont
Outlet covers. – Patrick Nasta
Focus more on all of the academic and sports – Payton Phelps
Having a scanner when you are late to school. That would speed things up significantly in the mornings. If you are late, you have to wait in a line, fill out a form, and get a pass written for you. It would be faster if we were able to just scan our IDs as we walk in and then the school would know we are late from the data recorded and mark us tardy that way. Also, more camaraderie between athletics and fine arts. A lot of fine arts kids are superfans or in marching band and we are there to support a lot of sports, but when it comes to band and choir concerts, musicals, and plays, there isn’t a lot of support for us from that area of the school. It shouldn’t be an us v them situation. It is us as a whole and we are all good at different things, but we need to support each other. – Rachel Cantin
Better gym – Ryan Figgs
Let kids leave during free periods. – Sam Concialdi
Utilize Curt Wadlington more – Sam Hillman
Hire more social workers and truly work to aid the mental health crisis within our school and the many, many other public schools with struggling students. – Samantha Tucker
Suggest every single sport gets the recognition they deserve – Samantha Wiles
Tater tot day should be every day. – Sanjana Nath
Late start Monday everyday. – Sean Sullens
Make the gym hallway wider. – Shannon Batliner
Late arrival and early release for commons students – Sydney Riddell
To have late start Monday everyday – Tyler Mead
Start PR later around 9 for more sleep…. – Vanessa Aguirre