Meet Neha Konjeti, App Developer
Prairie Ridge High School is filled to the brim with hundreds of unique students with their own stories to tell, and we at news team seek to tell these stories in the People of PR. Meet my friend Neha Konjeti, a sophomore currently involved in speech team, news team, tennis, Eyes Open PR, and student council. She is super busy at school. But outside of Prairie Ridge, she also programmed her own game that’s available on the Apple App Store.
Collin: I heard that you developed an app one time. So, you’re into computer science?
Neha: Yeah, I did! I developed an app over the summer before my freshman year. It took me a month to do it. I programmed in a language called Swift which I did in Xcode and then I published it. I sent it to the app development center in the app store, and they put it on the app store.
Collin: Cool! So, Swift, is it difficult coding language to use?
Neha: Well, it was difficult at first because I’ve never used Swift before, so I watched a lot of YouTube videos [to learn it]. I went on a lot of websites to figure it out, and then I made the game.
Collin: So, this is your first time using Swift?
Neha: Yeah.
Collin: So, what motivated you to try creating an app?
Neha: Well, my brother is a computer science engineer at Uber and he programs as well, so he kind of told me about programming and I was kind of interested so I looked into it and I tried it.
Collin: How did you like coding? Would you make an app again?
Neha: Yeah, I would! It’s fun, but it’s a little frustrating when your code doesn’t work. But, the end result is worth it.
Collin: So, what kind of app did you create?
Neha: I created a game called Bunny Hop. The bunny has to hop over the fences and catch carrots at the same time. I made the game a bit difficult because, while I was making the game, I tested it out myself, and I made it harder every time I tested it because I thought it was easy.
Collin: Yeah, I remember I had the game one time on my phone and it was pretty difficult! So, did your interest in code motivate you to take the computer science class?
Neha: Yeah, that’s why I’m taking computer science this year.
Collin: Cool! So do you think that you might pursue a career in app development and or coding?
Neha: Yeah, I’m considering computer science, so I’m taking it this year to see how it is because I haven’t programmed in Java before. I want to see how it goes.
Collin: So, what kind of things are you working on in that class?
Neha: Right now we’re learning Java, Syntax, how to make variables, the beginning stuff like strings.
So, there you have it; Neha’s app development story. She also gave me a couple of interesting facts about herself aside from developing Bunny Hop: she is vegetarian and she also has played piano for a number of years now.
Be sure to visit the people of PR feature here at for more untold stories like Neha’s. Thanks for reading!

Collin Preves has been on news team for four years, writing everything from book reviews to fine arts articles. He has loved being on news team and hopes...