Almost Maine is Almost Here
An interview with Mr. Dusenske, the director of PR’s fall play

The Prairie Ridge fall play, Almost Maine, takes place October 14 & 15, 2016 at 7:00.
With the school year already one quarter in, it’s finally time for the long-awaited fall play: Almost Maine. For the past month, many students have worked very hard to put this wonderful production together, and it’s high time to have the word spread about it! To bump up the hype for Almost Maine, I was able to ask the director, Mr. Dusenske, a few questions about the show.
My first question for him was “If someone walked up to you and asked what Almost Maine was about, what would you say?” Mr. Dusenske replied that it is all about love. It’s about love in all possible forms, whether it is beginning or ending. It’s just basically how people live with love and how it elaborates that it is a universal thing. The play also shows how it can easily influence a person’s life in one way or another.
Another question I asked him was “Who do you think would enjoy it the most?” Mr. Dusenske simply said that the play has universal appeal. He explained that everyone has a need to experience love for themselves and others. Because of this, he feels that the play would definitely resonate with any audience member. So, if you’re a little wishy washy about the whole romance tone, you might enjoy it a whole lot more than you think!
I also asked him “If a person asked you why they should come to the show, what would your answer be?” He said that every actor and crew member shows so much talent. Coming to the play would support their theatrical careers, and he is also very proud of all they have done so far.
Another inquiry I made was about the cast of characters in the show. He replied that he always tells the students that every scene is his favorite scene because of how great the characters are. There are a variety of different characters like a girl a broken heart, and a man that tries to fix it and more! He said that all of the characters are easily relatable to anyone and can really connect with the audience.
His last statements included that it is a great way to spend a weekend with a friend or a family member, and that tickets are sold at the door and will be sold this week. The price to see this fantastic production isn’t too shabby either (five dollars for students, eight dollars for adults), so you should certainly check it out! Use of an activity pass is also allowed.
From all of that, I can gather that Almost Maine will not disappoint its audience. A lot of work went into its production, and it sounds like a fantastic show to watch! I’d like to thank Mr. Dusenske for letting me come in and find out more about the show! The times for the shows are 7:00 pm this Friday, October 14 and Saturday, October 15.
Cast list:
Pete – Jeremiah Zhungu
Ginette – Samantha Tucker
East – Ross Relic
Glory – Emme Jones
Jimmy – Chris MacDonald
Sandrine – Elly Flemming
Waitress – Emily Kouzios
Steve – AJ Weber
Marvalyn – Elizabeth Routzahn
Lendall – Connor Pils
Gayle – Katie Hemstreet
Deena – Sarah Jenkins
Shelly – Peri Sindberg
Phil – Bill Bauer
Marci – Sarah Reitmeister
Man – Ian Anderson
Hope – Stephanie Brown
Dave – Matt Blake
Rhonda – Amber Johnson

Collin Preves has been on news team for four years, writing everything from book reviews to fine arts articles. He has loved being on news team and hopes...