BreAnne Fleer, Valedictorian

BreAnne Fleer is the class of 2016 valedictorian.
“The most important lesson I have learned is to always work hard, and always put forth your best effort because it will pay off,” explained BreAnne Fleer, PR’s valedictorian. It is clear to see how she accomplished this title with her involvement, hard work, and eagerness to learn.
From the start of high school it was BreAnne’s goal to be at the top of the class. But how exactly did she accomplish this? “Starting right at the beginning of
freshman year I put my full effort into academics and worked to achieve that goal,” she answered. “It took a lot of studying, but it was completely worth it.” After all that studying, which class stood out during BreAnne’s high school experience? “My favorite class was by far AP Euro; it really inspired me to travel and explore the world!” she exclaimed. “It also inspired me to possibly pursue international relations. Mrs. Dunker made the class very exciting.”
One secret to BreAnne’s success was a well-rounded high school career. Involved in Speech Team, Math Team, WYSE, French Club, French NHS, NHS, Newspaper, Student Council, Class Officers, and Big Brothers Big Sisters, she was able to balance her study hours with fun and create lasting memories. “I think the activities definitely enhanced my high school experience because I was able to make a bunch of friends and gain valuable skills like public speaking,” she stated.
Looking back, BreAnne is happy to have fond memories of the past four years. “My overall favorite memories are the France trip over spring break this year, and making my APUSH 60s decades video with my friends … going to football games with my friends was pretty fun too.”
Next year BreAnne will be majoring in government, with a career path of international relations at Cornell University. She is extremely thankful for her experience at PR and all the people who made it possible. BreAnne says, “Thank you to all of the teachers and my friends and peers for always encouraging me because it has really helped me along the way.”
Ian • May 19, 2016 at 8:57 am
I think its very good for her going to college, I would like to give her good luck in collage and to make sure she is successful in her life. Another thing is she was the top in her class and to ,me that is great for her and I wish I could do that but the classes I’m taking are pretty hard. The last thing is that she joined a lot of clubs and that’s good because you can create new friends which,that’s what high-school is all about.