Getting to Know Dr. Koch

The first article in the Ask the Principal series features questions about Dr. Koch’s favorite subject and music.
This article is part of the Ask the Principal series featuring real questions from PR students.
What is your favorite subject?
I think I have to say English because I used to teach it. As a student I really enjoyed it, and that’s why I chose it as my profession.
Do you have a favorite piece of literature?
Just read The Martian; that was pretty good. But I really like nonfiction. I always gravitated to nonfiction both as a reader and as a teacher. One of my favorite pieces to teach here when I taught was Fast Food Nation. That’s what I read now primarily, nonfiction.
What is your favorite music genre?
[Laugh] Metal, actually. Most people I know don’t know that about me. Grew up with it, was a Metallica fan my whole life, still am. That’s what I listen to.
Do you have a favorite song?
Favorite song… I would still probably go “Master of Puppets”… still one of my favorites.
Does your whole family like metal or just you?
My family likes it. It’s funny, my seven year old son just requested “Master of Puppets” the other day in the car. I told him how proud I was. I said, “I’m proud of you buddy. That a boy.”
If you could have a day off in the week, which one would you want?
Monday – [it] would change Sunday night completely. I would love Monday’s off. I could watch Sunday night football and not have to worry about getting up the next morning. Absolutely, I would take Monday’s off.
What exactly is your job description as principal?
[Laugh] Who knows, everything? It is a crazy job. It is completely unpredictable. I have a variety of standing meetings, predictable meetings, but then it is a lot of just responding to what comes up during the day. I am in classrooms a lot, working with teachers, helping students. My primary job I would say, is to support my teachers. If I had to articulate my number one [responsibility], my number one [would be] making sure my teachers are able to the best job they can do to help kids. But other than that, I get pulled in a thousand directions in one day. But that is what I like about it. I am much better when I am busy, and this is a busy job.
When did you become principal?
This is my third year.
Favorite part?
My favorite part? Really, I like just about all of it. But I am getting to know students more so than the first couple years. I really like that–[forming] more relationships with students. That is hard your first year. So I am enjoying that quite a bit. I love working with all my teachers. I feel like I still have a kind of impact. I am a teacher; I think of myself as a teacher. And I can still have that kind of impact just working through the teachers that are here now.