As the school year comes to a close, the members of the senior class of 2013 will not be the only ones leaving Prairie Ridge. We will also be saying good-bye to some retiring staff members who have both been with PR since it opened in 1996. Mr. Lueck is the head of the industrial technology and business departments. Mrs. Forman is part of Prairie Ridge’s special education department.

Mr. Lueck has decided to retire this year from Prairie Ridge High School. The industrial technology department will never be the same without him. Mr. Lueck’s career goes back beyond D155, and it has occupied him for the last 42 ½ years of his life. About half of that time (26 years) has been spent in our district. He has taught in every school within the district, and Mr. Lueck was, in fact, a founding member of the faculty when PR was established 17 years ago. Before he taught in our district he taught in Wisconsin, 9 ½ years at Big Foot H.S. in Walworth and 7 years at Wilmot H.S. As the head of both the industrial technology department and the business department, a lot of what he does is behind the scenes, but very necessary in order to have the departments run smoothly. “I am responsible for budgeting, supervision of my department members, curriculum development, setting yearly goals for both departments and dealing with all the ‘problems’ that usually come up during the school year,” he explained. His love of industrial technology goes back to his own high school days. “I always wanted to be an auto mechanic but being on the college track in high school, I only had time to take one shop class. Of course I chose auto (this was in my junior year). Although my teacher never talked to me about teaching, there was something that wanted me to become a teacher.” Now that Mr. Lueck is retiring some of his plans include, “doing all the little projects around both my house and my daughter’s house that I have neglected to do all these years.” He also cares very much for all his students and wants them to remember that he “wishes them success in the future.” The greatest thing that happens to Mr. Lueck “is when a former student comes up to me and tells me about his or her family, what they are doing and thanks me for being their teacher.” Classes like Woods, Small Engines and Autos will not be the same without you. Thank you Mr. Lueck for all your years of service and good luck to you in the future.

Mrs. Forman has decided also to retire at the end of the year from Prairie Ridge High School. Like Mr. Lueck, Marilyn Forman has also been with PR since the beginning in 1997. Before coming to PR, she worked at Cary-Grove for 12 years. As a special education paraprofessional, so much of what Mrs. Forman does is incredibly vital to the well-being of students going through high school. “[I] work with students in the SELF-Program and the LR Dept. I assist the teacher in the classroom, sometimes work one-on-one with a student, help students with their classroom assignments, encourage students to stay on task, make sure their work is turned in on time and with missing assignments, help them to stay organized, and to be the go-to person when our students needs anything, academically or when they just need to talk with someone. Candy is also provided at my desk for an added treat.” How she got to where she is today is a remarkable story. “I was hired as an aid in the EM Program at Cary Grove High School twenty eight years ago to replace Judy Swett as she returned to school to obtain her teaching degree. Two years later, Judy Swett returned to Cary Grove as the teacher and I became her aid. When Prairie Ridge High School opened up we moved over here together and started up the Focus Program (which is now called SELF) and have been together ever since, for twenty-five years. We definitely made a good team.” Now that this chapter of her life is coming to a close, a new chapter can begin with exciting possibilities. “My plans after I retire will consist of spending more time with my family and friends, being able to attend all of my grandkids’ sports activities, traveling here in the U.S. and hopefully touring Europe.” You will be leaving an indelible mark on this school. Thank you, Marilyn Forman, for all your years of service and good luck to you in your new chapter ahead.
Be glad for them in the new exciting future that lies ahead, for Shakespeare once said, “a door is not merely an exit, but also an entrance.”