Cheer has two competitions coming up, one on December 9th and one on December 22nd. So far the mood of the team is very positive and excited to start the season, which is also the first time ever that the Cheerleaders will be competing in Large Varsity. Some key leaders on the team are Jordan McDonald, Alexis Divincenzo, Alex Zdunek, and Allison Baker, among others.
The Girl’ Basketball season has already begun, as they are 4-1 and won 2nd place in the recent Mundelein Tournament, the first time ever! They have a game on November 30th and December 1st. On this spirited team Bri Fenton, Kelsey Bear, Kailey Aldridge, and Alex Neckopulos lead them to hopefully a very successful season!
The wrestlers have trained hard and are ready to start beating up on other teams! Over Thanksgiving Break, the team had a couple matches and tournaments. Led by Mike Lung and Chase Rea, this team went on to beat Richmond-Burton. Top varsity guys were Travis Piotrowski in 3rd Place and Charley Popp in 4th! In the lower levels at Rockford, Brandon Ewing and Arne Arnesen both got 2nd, and Mike Quinto got 1st Place! Next, they have a tournament Thursday and Friday.