The Pack Attack, a new club at PR, is promoting school spirit, encouraging attendance at fine arts and athletic events, and recognizing students for their achievements at school and in the community. Ms. Bartells and Ms. Morris formed this organization to create unity within the student body and to instill a collective sense of pride at Prairie Ridge.
Ms. Morris explained how when “Mr. Humpa asked teachers to sponsor a new club at PR, we jumped at the chance because when we were in high school, it was always so fun to come to school and see everything decorated and everybody in spirit mode. We wanted [the students] to have those same great experiences.”
The Pack Attack welcomes all grade levels and does not have a large time commitment. To support schedule flexibility, meetings are either before or after school on Tuesdays, and anyone can join.
Future activities include class color days, football game tailgates, and spirit wear competitions. The group also plans to publicize individual accomplishments, facilitate service projects, and advertise games and performances.
Senior Ryan Timmer joined and became a fine arts committee leader because he “wanted to get involved and promote school spirit” in hopes that the musical cast would support the baseball team, and that the pom squad would come see the Madrigal dinners. He believes that “this club will make a difference in our school and create a more positive environment.”
To date, seventy students have attended the meetings and have participated in hallway decorating during Homecoming week. These members also helped tally the amount of spirit links that each class received.
This club is enjoyable because it is a great way to get involved, meet new friends, and take part in fun group activities. Once the ideals of this organization infiltrate the PRHS student body, everyone will be sure to start singing in the cafeteria and dancing on the tables. Kidding! Unfortunately, this is not High School Musical, but perhaps the introduction of this club will motivate students to get involved in other ways and to step out of their comfort zones. We are PR!