We Can Grow and Succeed in Life

A graduation speech

Hello everyone, welcome to the class of 2014`s graduation ceremony. As a member of the graduating class, I have to say that it’s been a great four years at PR. Who would have thought when all of us here graduated middle school in 2010 that we would all be sitting here today graduating high school? Pretty amazing how fast time flies. The main purpose of this speech is to reflect on how much we have grown as a class. We couldn’t have done it without the help of our teachers, parents, grandparents, friends, and relatives. For they are the ones who we go to for support,the ones who listen to us when no one else will, the ones who care about us the most, and will long after we leave here.

During our time here at PR, we’ve had to overcome many obstacles as a class. Back in February of 2013, we suffered an unexpected loss of a beloved friend and student. We all coped with the loss in our own special way, but in the end, we had the support of others around us. Another obstacle that we overcame was transitioning on from middle school to high school. We all had an image about what high school was going to be like and wondered if it`s how movies and TV shows portray it. But, we made it and that`s all that matters.

Today we are seniors who are getting ready to depart from high school and on to the real world. During our time at PR, I’m sure a lot of us have had accomplishments we are proud of.

We have helped others, overcome obstacles, and are now graduating high school. We all have something to be proud of today. As I wind down this speech, I would like to challenge each one of us to follow our dreams and never let a dull moment in our lives keep us from doing so. Beyond high school, I see our futures as bright and successful. I see us making a difference. One problem that we face in today’s society is that we tend to take life for granted and not enjoy it like we should.

I would like to leave you with these words by Herman Cain “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.”

Thank you and congrats to the class of 2014 .